Tuesday, 13 November 2012


November 12
Arrived in Cairns late last night – today after rising early (again) we went to the Great Barrier Reef on a large Quicksilver catamaran – there were about 400 of us on the boat I believe.
The weather was choppy – my sister was turning green pretty much the whole way out to the reef – about an hour or so.

The cat sidles up to a large pontoon, which is anchored in place.  After transferring to it, we got outfitted with masks, flippers and snorkels (and black coverall suits, to protect not only from the sun, but from stinging jellyfish).

We saw a lot of fish, but the reef that we were sitting over was looking pretty bleached (ie, dead) L  Global warming is considered a culprit.  


  1. Is that a photo of you ? cool ! water looks gorgeous. did you mom make it to the reef as well ?

    1. Yes, that's me - Sam took it. Camera's working well! Mum snorkeled for a little while, but the water was choppy....as she wasn't enjoying it she didn't last too long.

  2. This is my fav pic of them all. It's a great action shot. Looks like you were quite the ways under the surface - something I'm too chicken to try.

    1. It was so peaceful under the water - if I wasn't stuffed up (still have a cold) I probably would've lasted longer under water. Another world under there - no sharks! That was my fear.
