Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Cairns day 2

November 13

Although tomorrow is eclipse day, we had the day off.  Took another boat trip (this time shorter) to Green Island – same setting up routine as yesterday upon arrival.  The winds and tides had churned up the bottom of the ocean somewhat, limiting visibility under the water.

The fruit bats are everywhere!  There were hundreds of them hanging from the mango trees outside the hotel.  So cute……..

Eclipse day tomorrow – forecast is looking a bit iffy.


  1. fingers crossed for Wed and the eclipse. cline and her friends have headed inland away from the coast. ralph's hunch is to stay put and head for port douglas ?

    1. Ralph wasn't interested in going anywhere but Wangetti. Options were Wangetti or staying at the hotel - turned out to be cloudy in Cairns too.
      Hope Cline had better luck

  2. I remember those bats... They're bloody HUGE!

    Fingers crossed for you!
